Domovská stránkaAktualityProduktové aktualityGateway reader – Moving of identification boundaries

Gateway reader – Moving of identification boundaries

Manual scanning of bar codes is gone!
Our company has developed an automatic barcode gate reader to identify the expeditionary units - pallets.
The main benefit is saving time, the operator does not need leave the forklift and  read barcodes manually.
This gateway is a device used to scan a bar code and recognition of printed  label which is located on the transport baskets of production. Read and recognition cycle is secured by barcode scanner. Barcode scanner is placed on a vertical movable device. Device is moving between the top and bottom and  loads all barcodes. The values of readed barcodes are through EPRIN control system of scan gates transferred to IS of customer for further processing. If you are interested, please feel free to contact our EPRIN TEAM here.
Deputy sales director
telefon:+420 538 707 219
mobil:+420 606 721 627
fax:+420 543 212 033
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Umíme svojí práci a rozumíme Vašim potřebám. Více než 30 let zkušeností v oboru automatické identifikace.
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Evrospká unie
Tento projekt INOVATIVNÍ SYSTÉM SLUŽEB PODPORUJÍCÍCH AUTOMATIZACI je spolufinancován Evropskou unií.
Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu
South Moravia
This international sales marketing campaign was realized with the financial support of the South Moravian Region through the Project „Centre for International Trade“
Centre trade