Domovská stránkaAktualityFiremní aktualityThe original invitation - International Engineering Fair

The original invitation - International Engineering Fair

This is OUR selfie !
Dear business partners and friends,
Let us invite you to visit our exposition at the International Engineering Fair in Brno, which will be Come and enjoy our upcoming program, check the brightest news and enjoy a reliable and secure surfing on our Wi-fi FREE ZONE.
We look forward to seeing you. Your EPRIN TEAM
When and where it is?
29.9.2014 - 3.10.2014
BVV - Veletrhy Brno
Where at the area of BVV?
Pavilon E, Exposition 35
Kde nás najdete... EPRIN
Bc. David SEDLÁK
Product manager - RFID and WIFI
mobil:+420 728 136 478
fax:+420 543 212 033
QR kód
Umíme svojí práci a rozumíme Vašim potřebám. Více než 30 let zkušeností v oboru automatické identifikace.
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Evrospká unie
Tento projekt INOVATIVNÍ SYSTÉM SLUŽEB PODPORUJÍCÍCH AUTOMATIZACI je spolufinancován Evropskou unií.
Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu
South Moravia
This international sales marketing campaign was realized with the financial support of the South Moravian Region through the Project „Centre for International Trade“
Centre trade