
Statement to Ukraine situation

In Brno, 28 February 2022


Dear customers,

the circumstances and progress in the world, especially in Eastern Europe, is very unpredictable and hard to believe. We have no words of expressing opposition to Russia's aggression towards Ukraine, the sovereignty of Ukraine and all Ukrainians. This is a gross crime against humanity. We express absolute support for all the victims, for all the defenders. We stand behind you, our colleagues and friends 🔵🟡

Please read our company statement linked to current security situation.

Our company claims that the situation in Ukraine has no impact so far on our supplies and availability of any products. Our company has no strategic suppliers in war-torn territory of Ukraine neither in territory of Russian Federation and Belarus. We will inform you in the event of any unpredictable change in delivery dates.

We wish you all to manage everything in the coming weeks and coming situations, please stay safe.



#WeStandForUkraine    #WeAreForPeace    #SlavaUkraini

Ukraine heart
Umíme svojí práci a rozumíme Vašim potřebám. Více než 30 let zkušeností v oboru automatické identifikace.
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Tento projekt INOVATIVNÍ SYSTÉM SLUŽEB PODPORUJÍCÍCH AUTOMATIZACI je spolufinancován Evropskou unií.
Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu
South Moravia
This international sales marketing campaign was realized with the financial support of the South Moravian Region through the Project „Centre for International Trade“
Centre trade