Domovská stránkaPodmínky používání stránekUnitech HT682LR - Long Range Imager

Unitech HT682LR - Long Range Imager


We are offering you new mobile computer from Unitech company a HT682LR with long range 2D imager.

Its advantages are especially large range and accuracy during shooting by imager. This saves valuable time at work. This mobile computer is designed for a variety of existing software applications especially in retail, warehousing and logistics. Thanks to robust design with IP65 shell protection is suitable for the most demanding work environments.This powerful Near-Far imager can scan bar codes up to a distance 4-5 m.

Standard equipment includes HR682LR ability to communicate via Bluetooth and WiFi 802.11a/b/g/n. It is also equipped with VT terminal emulation and supports remote management via 12Manage (Remote Device Management).

  For more information please contact our EPRIN TEAM sales department.



Product manager
telefon:+420 241 930 132
mobil:+420 606 693 716
fax:+420 239 017 759
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South Moravia
This international sales marketing campaign was realized with the financial support of the South Moravian Region through the Project „Centre for International Trade“
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