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Our responsibility & support

We know our customers, we know our products and we know our market. We also strongly perceive responsibility towards the environment in which we work. 
We support institutions, endowment funds and/or individuals through material or financial means. This philanthropy not only brings us greater publicity, but primarily serves the public interest in the broader sense. 
Likewise our company supports various sports initiatives and traditions of regional, nationwide and in some cases European importance. Combining our society and sport we can find an important parallel in speed, accuracy, acceleration and elegance.
IWAS Games Prague 1
IWAS Games Prague 2
IWAS Games Prague 3
  • Nadační fond EMIL - Endowment fund EMIL

The Emil is a non-profit organization that helps handicapped children and young people to play sports primarily through direct financial assistance. The Emil project was established in 2003 and after a successful start in 2009 it officially became a foundation. To this date Emil has supported over 8,000 individual athletes and sports teams and has helped to improve specific young lives. "When we got an offer for partnership, we didn't hesitate for a long time. Since the beginning we have focused on projects of a similar type. It is great to help where it makes some deep sense".
  • Člověk v tísni - People In Need


We support the project of the humanitarian organization People in Need - skutecnydarek.cz. Choose the Real Gift that will please you or your loved ones the most. Real gifts always symbolize some form of help from a goat for a poor family in Africa to medicines for sick or safe births, to tutoring children from poor families.


  • Nadační fond Niké - Endowment fund Niké


The Niké Endowment Fund was established in 2004 to support charitable projects. It focuses on helping all those who suffer materially or emotionally but also on supporting individuals in their difficult social or economic situations caused by unforeseen events.


  • Nadace Archa Chantal - Endowment Archa Chantal


In cooperation with the Archa Chantal Foundation, we participated in a project for the benefit of sick children. It was a highly modern, interactive and beneficial charity event called "Children for Children", whose aim was to gather the maximum possible funds for children with cancer through the art auction.
Thanks to this unique exhibition and people with the heart in the right place, together with the Archa Chantal Foundation, we have collected important funds that help children throughout the Czech Republic.

We know our job and understand your needs. More than 30 years of experience in automatic identification.
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South Moravia
This international sales marketing campaign was realized with the financial support of the South Moravian Region through the Project „Centre for International Trade“
Centre trade